Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 5
Inside issue 5 - The Witchfinder General, wish trees, wilderness, monoliths, flute solos and ghostly monks.

Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 4
Inside issue 4 - The Watcher, Sorbus Aucuparia, Green Lung, Running Wild and a whole host of other mysteries.

Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 3
Inside issue 3 - Mermaids, Forgotten Stones, Wirral Wanderings, Water In The Tarot, and a whole host of other mysteries.

Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 2
Inside issue 2 - Woodwoses, haunted toxic waste, mushrooms, thaumanturge's theme and a whole lot of other mysteries.

Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 1
Inside issue 1 - Artemisia Vulgaris, A Kelpie, Sphagnum, Alchemy, The Devils Work and a whole lot more.

Folkwitch: Issue 3
Issue three is a volume of fire & rhythm, of soundsystems as laboratories, of the earth screaming at the burning of the forests, of dancing & finding our way in this maddening time of ecological devastation.

Folkwitch: Issue 2
Chock full of incredible essays & pieces by some of the world’s great contemporary occult authors. In a limited edition of 48 copies per print run Folkwitch is meant to be for the discerning witch looking to read work by likeminded authors and artists who explore the path as an active participant in our world.

Folkwitch: Issue 1
Dedicated to the tradition of occult fanzines, esoteric pamphlets, slanderous onesheets & the underground periodicals of anarchists, radicals, and outcasts FOLKWITCH will be an occasional periodical brought to you by Alkahest Press & the Skeptical Occultist, featuring a motley cast of contributors focused on the exploration of folklore, folk witchcraft, & landscape magic.

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 11
Christianity’s influence in medieval Pagan Iceland, hypno-mimesis and working with body, the esoteric methods of Ithell Colquhoun, poetry as magic, the aesthetics and methods of Austin Osman Spare, automatic drawing, Joseph Ennemoser, Ezra Pound’s occultism, the crusade against magical thinking, the roots of modern Satanism, and the relationship between Ezra Pound and his publisher James Laughlin.

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 10
On topics as diverse as magico-anthropology, sexual magic, eroto-psychedelic art, Friedrich Nietzsche’s use of psychoactive drugs, the occult meaning of the Fenris Wolf in Scandinavian Asatro, joint dreaming, mytho-historical traces within Völkish photography, the magic and influence of African art

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 9
Maori shamanism within therapy, Animistic art, Dance as ritual, Androgynous aspects in Austin Osman Spare’s art, Salvador Dali’s meeting with Jacques Lacan, Rebis: the Double Being, David Bowie’s Non-Human Effect, similarities between ritual magic and psychoanalysis, and much more.

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 8
Greek mysteries, psychedelic art, New Orleans Voodoo, Kabbalah in contemporary culture, Ritual & Analytical spaces, religious Scientism, death/exit horoscopes, new poetry and much more… A smorgasbord of occulture & delightenment!

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 7
Thelema, Satanism, Symbolism, psychoanalysis, Dada, apocalyptic witchcraft, psychedelic philosophy, visionary book covers, Cannabis, artificial human companions, sacred prostitution, German Expressionist cinema, slam poetry, independent universities, extraterrestrial influences, astrology, sexual magic, science fiction and more…

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 6
Healing, death, the extraterrestrial origins of language, Ernst Jünger’s psychedelic approaches, recent Satanic cinema, the occult potential of contemporary physics, “Babalon” as a magical formula, the mystical art of Sulamith Wülfing and a never before published poem, The Litany of Ra, by Charles Stansfeld Jones a.k.a. Frater Achad.

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 5
Macedonian vampires, Satanism, Goethe s Faust, and the creation of a mega Golem within the context of developing a contemporary yet timeless terminology of magic.

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 4
This issue contains material on Thelema and politics, astral machines, the past and future of psychedelic culture, Naga Babas, the Left Hand Path, blood mysticism, stellar magic, grimoires, and a unique series of ink images.

The Fenris Wolf: Issues 1 - 3
The humble beginnings of the renowned magico-anthropological journal, covering occulture, psychedelia and sexuality (and then some!). The first three issues are here anthologised in one volume.

Femme Occulte: 2021 Issue 5 Spring
Knowledge is the motivation and the main driving force of all world-seekers and possibilities beyond material reality. Fascinated by human history and the abilities of the mind, body and soul, we desire to acquire more and more wisdom, which often comes with age through not only intellectual but also essentially experiential cognition.