Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 5

Issue 5 of Grimoire Silvanus, a zine with an interest in nature, folklore, magic, and the land.

Inside issue 5 - The Witchfinder General, wish trees, wilderness, monoliths, flute solos and ghostly monks.

Featuring the words and works of Jasminium Libani, Henricus Vlaam, Gradior Inlustria, Geist Art, Liz Lee Reynolds, Resina Scalaria and Terra Silvanus.

60 pages of essays, stories, art, poetry, photography and mysteries. All printed in full colour on recycled paper.

Charmer’s Ceremony
The Longstone - Jasminium Libani
In Mistley Woods - Liz Lee Reynolds
The Ley of the Land - Henricus Vlaam
The Claife Crier - Trabes Veloxus
In the Wild? - Gradior Inlustria
Getting Hammered - Resina Scalaria

Original price - £6


Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 6


Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 4