Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 3

Issue 3 of Grimoire Silvanus, a zine with an interest in nature, folklore, magic, and the land.

Inside issue 3 - Mermaids, Forgotten Stones, Wirral Wanderings, Water In The Tarot, and a whole host of other mysteries.

Featuring the words of L.B. Limbrey, Quisdeus Fortis, Olivia Vadum-Mare, Gradior Inlustria, Terra Silvanus and Nemus Olea.

Also within! Flowing psychedelic artwork, bramble-scratch drawings and lush photographs.

64 pages of essays, stories, art, poetry, photography and mysteries. All printed in full colour on recycled paper.

Illusionist’s Euphony
Water Experience - Olivia Vadum-Mare
Finding a Suburban Weird - L.B. Limbrey
Water in the Tarot - Nemus Olea
Forgotten Stones - Gradio Inlustria
In Search of the Goddess - Quisdeus Fortis
A Little About Mermaids

Original price - £6


Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 4


Grimoire Silvanus: Issue 2