It is a fact of history that the origins of magic and medicine are rooted in the Starry Wisdom of the ancients. Their intersection is evident at numerous and varied points on the timeline.
Detailing the significance of natural time cycles in the Northern Tradition, Nigel Pennick explores how the stars, planets, seasons, months, and the precessional year relate to the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark. He also provides charts and calculations to discern which rune is the primary influence on a particular day, week, month, or year.
The Hours: The Καταρχαί of Hygromanteia explores the hidden depths of the Hygromanteia, the Greek precursor of the Key of Solomon, examining the nature and transmission of Magical Time through Greco-Egyptian practices to the present day.
An original translation of MS.983, L’Art Magique by Aaman Lamba, with full colour manuscript images from Wellcome MS.983 and redrawn images by S. Aldarnay.
Thelema, Satanism, Symbolism, psychoanalysis, Dada, apocalyptic witchcraft, psychedelic philosophy, visionary book covers, Cannabis, artificial human companions, sacred prostitution, German Expressionist cinema, slam poetry, independent universities, extraterrestrial influences, astrology, sexual magic, science fiction and more…
Macedonian vampires, Satanism, Goethe s Faust, and the creation of a mega Golem within the context of developing a contemporary yet timeless terminology of magic.
This Issue of Coire saw the introduction of more external submissions with a continued focus of both trad witchcraft and Gnosticism.
The third volume of Clavis: A Journal of Occult Arts, Letters, and Experience is now available for pre-order. Its contents concern the respective themes of ‘Cipher and Stone’.
Picatrix Volume Two contains the 3rd and 4th books of Ghayat Al-Hakim and will complete the English translation.
The text of this Medieval work consists of the first two books [of four] of the classic Arabic manual of Astrological and Talismanic Magic.
Abū Yaʿqūb ibn Ishāq al-Kindī (c.800-870CE) De Radiis (On The Stellar Rays) proposes that all things emit rays that operate on all other things, producing an interplay of causes and effects from the stars down to material objects.
An Obscure 17th Century Grimoire Text for Conjuring Spirits to Reveal Hidden Treasure, Derived from a Manuscript of the Mystical Spanish City of Salamanca translated from the German into English, edited, with footnotes and introduction by Steve Savedow.
Patricia Crowther presents a unique method of self-initiation directly linked to the Sun's position in the zodiac.
The Bibliotheca Valenciana contains translations of three of Jerónimo Cortez’s great works: the Non Plus Ultra Do Lunario, the Physiognomy and Various Secrets of Nature, and the Treatise of the Animals, presented and compiled for the first time into one English language volume.
Book Two of Agrippa's work, "Celestial Magic", explores the celestial realm and can be divided into two parts.
Some of the most significant material in the E.Q. research archives has been collated in HOUSE 418: The Circle Squared to present a non-denominational astrologically synchronised ritual formula for self-initiation, which has been tried and tested around the world for several decades.
In this book is a detailed exposition of arguably the single most significant development in practical magic since the first Elizabethan Age, namely, the synchronous employment of astrological principles in the structuring and timing of magical ceremonies.
There is a thread that runs through over four millennia of astrological and magical history, a cord that binds ancient Egypt with the Hellenistic world, the Arabian empire, India, the European Renaissance and even touches the present.
In The Starry Rubric, Alexander Cummins shows how astrology and magic offered analysis, interpretation, and solutions — locating humanity in a shifting web of interrelation with the stars and, indeed, the cosmos as a whole in the seventeenth century.