Clavis: Volume 3 - Cipher and Stone

November 20th 2014

The third volume of Clavis: A Journal of Occult Arts, Letters, and Experience is now available for pre-order. Its contents concern the respective themes of ‘Cipher and Stone’. The journal is 192 pages, featuring the preternatural works of such esoteric artists as Miriam Escofet, Rory Alan MacLean, Austin Osman Spare, K. Lenore Siner, Claudia Avila, Mike Davis, J.G. Winther, Ken Henson, Benjamin Vierling, Mitchell Nolte, Joe McGown‏, Francisco D., and Gail Coppock.

Articles include: ‘Through the Gate of Horn: Occult Fiction and the Primordial Image’ by Richard Gavin, accompanied by the Esoteric Images of Scott Finch, ‘The Triangular Manuscript of the Count of St. Germain’, by Nick Koss, ‘Powers Secured and Sealed: Miraculous Rings in Occult Praxis’ by William Kiesel,  ‘The Call of Fire: The Hermetic Quest of René Schwaller de Lubicz’ by Aaron Cheak, PhD., Stuart Südekum’s essay on the hidden Tarot of A.E. Waite entitled ‘The Secret Tradition in Silence’, Art Conservator Derek Elmore’s reflections on his work with the images of Austin Osman Spare, Andrew Larson’s ‘Opening the Oracular Eye: Bowl and Lamp Divination in the Greek and Demotic Magical Papyri’, Fredrik Eytzinger’s ‘The Incarnation of Denis Lindbohm’, John Major Jenkins writes of the Astrotheology and Magical Invocations in a 7th century Mayan text. Additional works on alchemy, ancient astrology, and more are also included.

Standard Edition - £31/US$40
192 pages, Softcover, sewn, heavy stock, full color illustrations, featuring the cover image Order of the Caryatids by Miriam Escofet.

Deluxe Edition — £220/US$280
Limit one copy per subscriber
. Bound in full charcoal goat with handmade endpapers, the deluxe edition features a limited edition silkscreen of the cabalistic Tables of Ziruph executed in silver and black, and featuring an original seraphic image by James Dunk. Limited to 100 copies only.


Clavis: Volume 4 - The Green Key


Clavis: Volume 2 - The Cloister Perilous