The Luminous Stone
The Arcanum of the ‘fallen angel’ Lucifer evokes such concepts as heresy, rebellion, pride, liberation from the bonds of demiurgic oppression, and impetus for human evolution.
Conjure Codex: Issue 5
This Conjure Codex brings to a close the first volume of the series; it was never our intention to theme the issues by colour, but that is what happened and so it is fitting that our final number is the black of moonless midnight.
Clavis: Volume 4 - The Green Key
The Green Key is the central arcanum of Clavis Volume 4, contemplating the intersection of the plant world with the occult arts, and is 112 pages.
Clavis: Volume 3 - Cipher and Stone
The third volume of Clavis: A Journal of Occult Arts, Letters, and Experience is now available for pre-order. Its contents concern the respective themes of ‘Cipher and Stone’.
Salomonic Magical Arts
Amid the great genres of European magical books are the Scandinavian Svartkonstböcker or ‘Books of Black Arts’, the privately-kept practical manuals of magic used by rural charmers and practitioners of folk magic.