Femme Occulte
Website - https://www.femmeocculte.com/en/
Knowledge is the motivation and the main driving force of all world-seekers and possibilities beyond material reality. Fascinated by human history and the abilities of the mind, body and soul, we desire to acquire more and more wisdom, which often comes with age through not only intellectual but also essentially experiential cognition.
The Autumn 2020 book (published on the 1st of July) with the theme of the element Water and the holidays of Lughnasadh and Mabon.
The dawn. This is the beginning of the chapters of this year, which we bring to you in the spirit of the times of day and their beings.
After a year of focused work with magical tools and beings inhabiting both our soul and the outer astral world, winter is a time of grounding.
The watery time of autumn and moisture is finally here, and we can delve even deeper into already open topics and peer beneath the surface of many worlds.
On our seasonal journey through the elemental worlds of the Western esoteric tradition, we once again enter the summer phase, the living Fire, and its associated magical tool, the magic wand. In the following few pages, you will learn what forms and variations of wands our authors use.
Welcome to the first volume of the fourth edition of Femme Occulte. This year, spring has been allowed to wait a little longer so that the fruits of past labour can fully ripen in our astral garden, setting the stage for new thematic paths of firmly rooted plants and new seedlings.
Welcome to the fourth and final season of the year. Once again, Femme Occulte texts and creations will gladly accompany it. Winter is a time of imaginary ending, transformation, and reflection, which is why most of our chapters conclude their year-long cycle at a natural pace.
The Wheel of Cerridwen turns a bit again through the flow of words. In addition to the sense of taste, our visual senses will be delighted by an interview with one of the fascinating Czech pagan artists.
Should someone be burned by the flames, the beneficial power of the tree of immortality and rebirth, the apple tree, will come to their aid. More plants with a fiery spark in their bodies will not wait long, and other spirits will visit the hearth.
Besides opening the door to new themes for 2022, our Garden has also opened its doors to the fresh scents of plants - seedlings who will share their magical practice with us.
Silence, darkness, and birth are attributes of the winter element of the Earth, which we learn more about through its creatures and plants.
The Will became the guide of the Water, the third part of the magical pyramid. We already started to lightly deal with the Will in the previous issue of Femme Occulte. It manifests through our chapters in its many forms.
The theme of the first issue focused on its first side - Knowledge. Which of the sides would belong to the second issue, however, meant a difficult decision between Courage and Will. In the end, based on the research of many correspondence systems, we chose Courage as a side more related and in warm harmony with last year's summer theme of Fire.