Airmids Journal: Issue 3
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Airmids Journal: Issue 3

On this day of astrological Samhain, as the Cailleach nips at my fingertips and the colours of larch, birch & hawthorn blaze across the hillside, myself and Seanfitzgeraldart are so sceitimíní to announce the third issue of Airmid’s Journal!!

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Airmids Journal: Issue 2
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Airmids Journal: Issue 2

“Emerging with the Sceach Gheal blossoms, we feel the call to risk bursting forth in fullness of spirit, to rekindle the inner flames of imbas and add them to the collective hearth of healing.

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Airmids Journal: Issue 1
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Airmids Journal: Issue 1

There's an amazing array of contributions, including an interview with Mary Reynolds. Nature activist and reformed landscape designer, Art and words from Votive Illustration, not to mention all the incredible art work done by Sean Fitzgerald himself.

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Abraxas: Volume 6
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Abraxas: Volume 6

Abraxas Issue #6 offers more than 160 large format pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art. Printed using state-of-the-art offset lithography to our usual high standard, contributions for Abraxas #6 include an interview by Anna Dorofeeva with the artist, Penelope Slinger, who also kindly designed the cover for this issue

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Abraxas: Volume 4
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Abraxas: Volume 4

Abraxas Journal Issue #4 offers 192 large format pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art. Printed using state-of-the-art offset lithography to our usual high standard, contributions for Abraxas #4 include a previously unpublished manuscript by Austin Osman Spare entitled Fragmentum presented here in facsimile over 30 pages

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Abraxas: Volume 3
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Abraxas: Volume 3

Abraxas Journal #3 offers 176 large format pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art. Printed using state-of-the-art offset lithography to our usual high standard, Abraxas 3 is richly illustrated and employs a variety of papers.

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Abraxas: Volume 2
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Abraxas: Volume 2

Following the enormous success of the first issue, we are delighted to announce Abraxas No.2 is now available. Substantially larger than the first issue, Abraxas No.2 offers over 200 pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art.

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Abraxas: Volume 1
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Abraxas: Volume 1

Abraxas Issue #1 offers 128 large format pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art. Printed using state-of-the-art offset lithography to our usual high standard. Includes a Manifesto for Abraxas, printed in letterpress.

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Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian


NOX*OB*NIA emerges from the conjunction of the words NOX=Night, OB= indicating the essence of Lunar current, NIA = the secret gateway or womb which opens the gates to B universe. This Anthology examines in a deep way, the occult context from an Historical, anthropological and personal gnosis through diverse essays the contemplation of the role of Feminine deities in traditional and contemporary praxis focused into Left Hand Path traditions.

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Sabbatica Volume 8
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Sabbatica Volume 8

This anthology grimoire is an in-depth voyage to the roots of death current and necromancy, moving from anthropological to psychological and to the practical side covering diverse elements focusing Necromancy as principal basis. A deep study, Praxis and development of diverse traditions in its most explorative forms. This anthology offers a unique amalgamation of contributors, each offering all of their knowledge within the pages.

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Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian


QLIPHOTH is an anthology focusing as primal elements the explorations of diverse current of Esoterica plateu, moving into an amalgam from Academic to Practical basis of sorcery and magick for an understanding of the traditions and gnosis presented here. A left-Hand Path publication, now developing its XI volume, and offering always exclusive and very interesting articles, Images, and great covers by Hagen Von Tulien.

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