Voudon Gnosis

David Beth

Fulgur Press

There exists a tradition of gnosis and sorcery which is unique in contemporary esotericism. Unfolding from within an exotic lineage of initiatic Haitian voudon, empowered and enriched by a variety of occult and Gnostic systems, the ever evolving world of Esoteric Voudon, or Voudon Gnosis, has intrigued and unsettled magical practitioners, scholars and artists for decades. This book is the first comprehensive treatise of the fascinating spiritist realms which constitute the highly practical system of Voudon Gnosticism. From sexual magic to fetich sorcery, from the qliphotic realms on the Tree of Death, to Esoteric Love and Time-Travelling. David Beth leads us towards making contact with the darkest levels and most ancient forms of consciousness and power.

2nd Edition Hardback

23cm x 14cm
160 pages
2 colour | 23 black and white
Published September 2010
800 copies only


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