Abraxas: Volume 6
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Abraxas: Volume 6

Abraxas Issue #6 offers more than 160 large format pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art. Printed using state-of-the-art offset lithography to our usual high standard, contributions for Abraxas #6 include an interview by Anna Dorofeeva with the artist, Penelope Slinger, who also kindly designed the cover for this issue

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Abraxas: Volume 4
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Abraxas: Volume 4

Abraxas Journal Issue #4 offers 192 large format pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art. Printed using state-of-the-art offset lithography to our usual high standard, contributions for Abraxas #4 include a previously unpublished manuscript by Austin Osman Spare entitled Fragmentum presented here in facsimile over 30 pages

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Abraxas: Volume 3
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Abraxas: Volume 3

Abraxas Journal #3 offers 176 large format pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art. Printed using state-of-the-art offset lithography to our usual high standard, Abraxas 3 is richly illustrated and employs a variety of papers.

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Abraxas: Volume 2
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Abraxas: Volume 2

Following the enormous success of the first issue, we are delighted to announce Abraxas No.2 is now available. Substantially larger than the first issue, Abraxas No.2 offers over 200 pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art.

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The Dance of Sun and Moon
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The Dance of Sun and Moon

Straddling the worlds of Surrealism, occultism and modernist literature, Ithell Colquhoun (1906–88) was widely respected in her lifetime, but her transgressive, esoteric and poetic paintings and writings were long neglected until Richard Shillitoe’s 2009 book Ithell Colquhoun: Magician Born of Nature initiated her revaluation

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Enchanted Modernities
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Enchanted Modernities

The syncretic nature of Theosophy encouraged individualism in belief, fitting well the popular notions of freedom and personal agency used to characterize the American West.

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Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over
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Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over

Trans- States is an experimental, transdisciplinary conference held at the University of Northampton that seeks to bring about a valuable convocation of esoterically-inclined minds: a meeting of academics, independent scholars, magical practitioners and artists with shared interests in both the study and production of contemporary occulture.

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SÉANCE – part documentary, part ghost story – Taggart offers us haunting images exploring Spiritualist practices in the US, England and Europe: 150 of her original photographs, many of which have never been published, as well as rare historical photographs.

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Earth Magic
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Earth Magic

Artist and photographer Rik Garrett’s Earth Magic explores historical and personal relationships between witchcraft, femininity and nature through a series of images created using the traditional wet plate collodion process.

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Distillatio is the final volume in Orryelle’s four-fold Alchymic book-web The Tela Quadrivium. For eight years Orryelle worked only in black and white (with touches of gold and silver) for the previous volumes in the series, but in the last few years he has been exploring the alchemy of Colour in diverse media for this culminating volume.

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In describing this new work Orryelle says, ‘Solve dis-solves the gold distilled in Coagula, tears apart our egos, dismembers our bodies and hurls any conceptions of perfection back into the primal void.

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Lavishly illustrated by the artist, Coagula births the magical children born of the Gods and Goddesses united by the reader in Conjunctio. From these unions now the pages are divided, and the cosmic egg cracks open: hermaphrodites and hybrids from the conjunction of masculine and feminine, solar and lunar, silver and gold gestate within and coagulate back into the world of form. Images are accompanied by evocative descriptive texts, insights and a magical ‘foreword’ and ‘backword.’

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Conjunctio presents mirrored pairs of Sacred Twins and Divine Lovers from various cultural pantheons coupled on facing pages. They are aligned in such a way that when the pages are turned the figures are United in holy conjunction by the alchemical reader. Different reflective relationships – alchymic opposites and complementaries – are explored b e t w e e n the pages.

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Ontological Graffiti
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Ontological Graffiti

Ontological Graffiti is Michael Bertiaux’s magnum opus. More than 40 years in development and a decade in production, this work now stands at over 470 pages and is without doubt his most substantial and important book yet.

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Vudu Cartography
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Vudu Cartography

Vudu Cartography explores the mysteries of ‘Les Vudu’ through chants, oracles, seances and a symbolic system of images – all connected by a descriptive narrative which leads us, like a dusty highway, through the shimmering Haitian landscape.

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Cosmic Meditation
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Cosmic Meditation

Intended as an introduction to a way of thinking, Cosmic Meditation considers the universe from the standpoint of the spiritist philosophy.

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Touch Me Not
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Touch Me Not

Touch Me Not is an Austrian manuscript compendium of the black magical arts, completed c.1795. Unique and otherworldly, it evokes a realm of visceral dark magic.

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