Of Chalk and Flint
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Of Chalk and Flint

Of Chalk and Flint: A Way of Norfolk Magic is a celebration of the county of Norfolk and its Nameless Tradition of magic and witchcraft.

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Hallowtide: A Dark Devotional explores the sacred days between Hallowe’en and Martinmas. It is a moment of the year which offers a deep well of dark magic. As the leaves yellow and fall, and pavements and forest tracks are covered in fairy gold, much that is strange and disturbing, yet exquisitely beautiful, emerges from the swirling mists.

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Bounded in a Nutshell
Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian

Bounded in a Nutshell

Bounded in a Nutshell: Lockdown, Magic and Infinite Space is a magical diary of the Covid-19 pandemic, covering 2020 to 2022.

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