Hands of Apostasy
Old-style Craft, also known as traditional witchcraft, endures as a distinct body of archaic magical practices in present-day Britain, North America and Australia. Originally nameless, such bodies are related to a variety of historical magical streams, most notably the practices of the Grimoires or ‘black books’, folk-healing, and popular magic of the early modern era.

The Luminous Stone
The Arcanum of the ‘fallen angel’ Lucifer evokes such concepts as heresy, rebellion, pride, liberation from the bonds of demiurgic oppression, and impetus for human evolution.

The Celestial Art
It is a fact of history that the origins of magic and medicine are rooted in the Starry Wisdom of the ancients. Their intersection is evident at numerous and varied points on the timeline.

A Rose Veiled in Black
The Lady Babalon is one of the more enigmatic figures in the Cult of Thelema. She is a manifold deity in the sense that She is a divine harlot, an initiatrix, a creator and a destroyer.

Daimon and Pharmakon (Forthcoming)
Daimon and Pharmakon contains thirteen cutting-edge essays on the contribution of psychoactive substances to occult and esoteric spiritual traditions.