Daimon and Pharmakon (Forthcoming)

Essays on the Nexus of Entheogens and the Occult

Daniel A. Schulke, Erik Davis

Three Hands Press

Daimon and Pharmakon contains thirteen cutting-edge essays on the contribution of psychoactive substances to occult and esoteric spiritual traditions.

Featuring prominent authors in the fields of entheogens and new religious movements, it will be of interest to students of the Occult, Comparative Religion, Psychedelia, Noetic Sciences, Altered States of Consciousness. The articles examine the role of chemically-altered consciousness in spirituality, particularly in traditions of magic and occult philosophy such as witchcraft, ceremonial magic, and syncretic religion. Sections on history, theory, practice, and specific entheogenic agents are examined.


Semesilam: The Eternal Sun (Forthcoming)


Lexicon Lamiarum (Forthcoming)