Homecoming Issue 001
Aurochs Press
What does it mean to be Indigenous to anywhere? What does it mean to feel that your bones come from the rocks beneath you, that your blood mingles with the waters that flow across them and your breath is but one small part of the winds that blow? What does it feel like to truly belong to a Place – to live somewhere to which you belong, just as much as it belongs to you? To feel that you are participating in a meaningful relationship with a particular landscape and its corresponding ecosystem, and feel – to know, somewhere in your inner self – that this relationship is mutually upheld? It’s not the same thing as having a Tribal identity, although sometimes this might give you a keen insight into what it means; and it’s not the same thing as belonging to a particular Nation, which is different thing again. It’s not, necessarily, in this sense, an identity at all; but a much more fluid way of being.
Jack Wolf (editor) Homecoming 1: Indigeneity
Paperback, Aurochs Underground Press.
76 Pages.