Strange Days

A self-published magazine about high strangeness, folklore, & the occult.

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Volume 1 - Spring 2020

This issue includes The Mothman, Cryptozoology and Beltane celebrations


Volume 2 Midsummer 2020

This issue includes The Mothman, Cryptozoology and Beltane celebrations


Volume 3 - Equinox 2020

This issue includes The Thin Veil of Gettysburg, Lady in White, Who is Padma McCord?


Volume 4 - Halloween 2020

This issue includes Saqqara, Hellhounds of Manistee National Forest, The Wild Hunt


Volume 5 - Solstice 2020

This issue includes RAF Woodbridge, The State of Loch Ness, Goblins of the Winter Solstice


Volume 6

This issue includes Concerning My New House Spirit, Bog Bodies, The Dylatov Pass


Volume 7

This issue includes Basel Strange Man Speaks, The Death of Mother God, Teslas Spherical Flying Machine


Volume 8

This issue includes Hellmouths, Mount Misery, Sympathy for The Devil


Volume 9

This issue includes Japanese Killing Stone, Transtemporal Shaman Spotted in Irpin, The Ripped Pants Parallel


Volume 10

This issue includes Wolf-Like Creature Photographed, Shapeshifting TricksterTerrifying Mexican Village, Georgia Guide Stones.


Volume 11

This issue includes Foo Fighters Over Ukraine, Irish Woman Has Fae-Like Encounter While Lost in Woods, When a Vampire Walked in North London.


Volume 12

This issue includes The Lady of the Dunes, Keep Looking Up...and Down, Key of Fate.


Volume 13

This issue includes A Strange Tale from Lily Dale, Australian Space Ship Encounter, The Bunny Man Legend, The Stolen Pennies.





Viridis Genii