
SHUCK is about sharing Norfolk’s wonderful folkloric heritage and how it sits within the wider British folklore story. We wanted to make a zine which shared the stories we loved, but that would also be of interest to people outside Norfolk (apparently they exist, we’ve seen pictures at Magic Lantern shows).

To do this we decide to include traditions, superstitions and witchcraft which, although practiced in Norfolk, are not exclusive to the county. We also wanted to include some practical elements so people can explore these traditions themselves – there’s a definite element of DIY with this zine: hold your own Dumb Supper, bake your own Soul Cakes, divine your own future, try candle magic, dress up a cunning woman paper doll…you know, all the standard craft magazine stuff.

And then there are lots of long reads for colder nights: our dark materials, if you like. Have we stressed enough that this is not just a Norfolk zine for Norfolk people? It really isn’t: it’s just got a Norfolk flavour because, as is about to be officially confirmed, we are working from the UK’s Centre of Weird.

Website -

Issue 1 - The Dark

Issue 2 - Love

SHUCK issue 2 is the love issue. Articles include a feature about Norfolk's very own Jack Valentine (and his mischievous counterpart Snatch Valentine), some classic Norfolk ghost stories, a love spell, a divination board, the story of St Agnes and a Black Shuck paper doll.

Issue 3 - Cursed

SHUCK Issue 3 theme is CURSED. Inside you'll find tales of cursed mummies, stones and the infamous cursed goat's head of Strumpshaw Fen, as well as ways to protect yourself from curses and a map of cursed Norfolk.

Issue 4 - Feasting

SHUCK Issue 4 theme is FEASTING. Inside you'll find, among other things, tales of a night the Devil paid a visit to a feast, a mysterious local secret society, a recipe to honour St Edmund and a spell for abundance.

Issue 5 - The Deep

SHUCK Issue 5 theme is THE DEEP. Inside you'll find tales of lost villages, nearly decapitated smugglers, mermaids, lunar botanicals, and the Yow Yows.

Issue 6 - Beasts

SHUCK Issue 6's theme is Beasts. Inside you'll find, among other things, tales of the creatures that we share this fine county with: the Beast of the A1075, The Hateful Thing of Geldeston, the Brave Bishop Beaver of Babingley, The Gildencroft Bogey, Snapdragon, equine entities.


Scavenged Rituals


The Skeptical Occultist (disc.)