Tubelo’s Forge: The Craft of Robert Cochrane (FORTHCOMING)
Robert Cochrane – a name synonymous with Traditional Craft – is perhaps one of its most controversial figures of the 20th century. Scores of articles, books, blogs and webpages claim much in his name, each a pastiche of the other, and though they are a testament to his popularity, they offer little substance regarding his work, and even less in terms of factual information.

Vegvísir: A Practical Guide to Runic and Icelandic Magic
‘Vegvísir’ is the name of a famous Icelandic magical sign. It means ‘signpost’ or ‘guide’, and that is exactly what this book is. In this outstanding new volume, a follow-up to “Icelandic Magic: Aims, Tools and Techniques of the Icelandic Sorcerers” (Avalonia 2015), Christopher Alan Smith goes a step further and teaches how to apply these techniques in your life for success, wealth, contentment, or whatever it is that you fervently wish for.

Witch Bottles: History, Culture & Magic
WITCH BOTTLES by Daniel Harms is the first in-depth exploration of the history, culture and magic of this little-known practice used to protect against and remedy the believed effects of misfortunes attributed to witches.

What is a Witch
Conjure an image of a witch in your mind’s eye, and you’ll find s/he can take many different shapes. Evil, beautiful, hideous, holy, a sinner who just might save us all – this multifaceted archetype is a dark layer-cake of legends and associations.

Waking the Witch
A whip-smart and illuminating exploration of the world’s fascination with witches from podcast host and practicing witch Pam Grossman (The Witch Wave), who delves deeply into why witches have intrigued us for centuries and why they’re more relevant now than ever.

The Devil’s Ointment (Forthcoming)
In the historical records of European Witchcraft, one of the most notorious allegations against the accused was the use of a magical salve to gain the power of nocturnal flight.

And the Whale
This poetry chapbook was the winner of Paper Nautilus' 2019 Vella Chapbook contest. It is available for purchase from Paper Nautilus.

Library of Esoterica - Witchcraft
A spellbinding journey through the global history of witchcraft, the third volume in The Library of Esoterica follows this magickal tradition from its ancient roots to its modern incarnations.

The Art of Darkness
The Art of Darkness is a visually rich sourcebook featuring eclectic artworks that have been inspired and informed by the morbid, melancholic and macabre.

The Age of the Succubus
This book is a tribute to the old beliefs, to female empowerment and the collective unconscious. The inspiration behind the title and theme? Lilith.

Under the Dragon Root
This long-awaited book brings twenty plants from the Witches’ Garden into the light, along with their accumulated folklore, folk medicine and historical magical uses, particularly from the past three hundred years out of North Western Europe, though some information is much older.

Saints of Magic (Forthcoming)
Throughout history, certain individuals held renown for their power over the spirits, the forces of Nature, and their supernatural powers, through the practice of the arts of magic.

The Sphere Group (forthcoming)
A comprehensive collection of the Sphere Group documents, with biographical notes on each of the members.

A Path to the Grail
The Guild of the Mater Jesus originated out of Dion Fortune’s wish to form a new kind of Christian worship for adepts which would become The Church of the Graal.

A History of Irish Magic
This is our labour of love over quite a few years, covering druids, witchcraft, fairies, sacred kingship, Irish Hermeticists, W. B. Yeats and his Celtic Order, and the “Hibernian Adept” Art O’Murnaghan.

The Comte de Gabalis
This short novel of 1670 gave the literary world a lasting gift: the doctrine of Elementary Spirits (Gnomes, Nymphs or Undines, Sylphs, and Salamanders) and their relations with humans from Adam’s time to the present.

Sigillum Dei Aemeth
Its secret is revealed by pulling the top right corner down and to the right. The entire book block pivots to reveal a cavity holding a book with full leather binding with blind stamped decoration surrounding the Monas Hieroglphica blocked in pure real gold.

Le Baggath-Tjnemour
This graphic grimoire is a manifestation of the Saturn Gnosis as taught by Michael Bertiaux who contributes an Introduction and Afterword, the latter being the record of a séance that was intended to secure the voudon passporté that secures access to the realms articulated in the book.

A Complete System of Magic
A Complete System of Magic provide the magical procedures that clients might seek from a Cunning Man. These include charms for healing with spells to staunch bleeding and stop cramp and heal burns. There are charms for love, to cause an errant son or daughter to return and to protect a building from evil.

Obeah Simplified
This work was first published in 1895 in Trinidad and achieved instant obscurity, However, it seems that a bell was rung somewhere as 9 years later, on 8th April 1904 Aiwass instructed Crowley that, as well as the mantras and spells and the work of the wand and the sword, he should learn and teach "the obeah and the wanga"