The Cloud of Unknowing
The Cloud of Unknowing is a pillar of medieval mystic writing, written as a 'how to' guide for a first-hand encounter with God.
The approach is surprisingly ecumenical, with the author recommending that all that the candidate thinks he or she knows about God to be discarded before any attempt can made at the described exercise.
The Castle of Otranto
"The Castle of Otranto," written by Horace Walpole in 1764, is often regarded as the first Gothic novel. Its initial edition claimed to be a translation of a 1529 Naples manuscript found in the library of an ancient Catholic family in northern England.
The Black Pullet
Dismissed by A.E. Waite as the probable work of mischievous priests in Rome, The Black Pullet is a ‘novella of ideas’ grounded in the Egyptomania that gripped France in the 1820s.
A Season in Hell
A Season in Hell is an extended poem in prose written and published in 1873 by French writer Arthur Rimbaud.
Anatomy of Melancholy
This compelling and occasionally comic study of melancholy became cult reading in the 17th century and has inspired artists from Keats (who said it was his favourite book) over Cy Twombly to Nick Cave." Robert McCrum, The GuardianThe Anatomy of Melancholy was first published in 1621.
Old Tradition Crafte
Old Tradition Crafte presents authentic Witchcrafte of Scottish and English origin. The practices and rituals herein date upto and beyond the era of Dr. John Fian’s demise at the hands of the Inquisitors and King James VI, in 1591.
De Virtutibus Lapidum: The Virtue of Stones
The luster from the blend of historical curiosity and the power of stones create a unique tone and brilliant insight into the diverse magickal/ritual and healing uses of gemstones. Fifty gemstones are mentioned.
The Mystery of Man
Widely believed to have been the real-life inspiration behind the protagonist of The Secrets of Doctor Taverner by Dion Fortune, Theodore Moriarty was a mysterious figure who practiced alternative healing and taught a small circle of students until his untimely death in 1923.
The Book of Flesh and Feather
A truly spellbinding work, The Book of Flesh and Feather is the central liturgical and ritual book of a devoted group of initiates of the Great Djehuty.
Litanies of Thoth
The Litanies of Thoth guides the reader deeply into the mysteries of communication with the Great God Djehuty via rites of divination and above all esoteric prayer.
Kuzen Azaka Mede: Engaging with the Lwa of Work, Labor and Land
Kuzen Azaka Mede is a powerful and loyal ally from the Djouba nation of Lwa. In Kuzen Azaka Mede: Engaging with the Lwa of Work, Labor, and Land, novices and practitioners alike will find an in-depth discussion about specific terminology related to as well as various mysteries within the nation, as well as a thorough groundwork for working with these spirits.
Guede et Mô: A Workbook
The figure of a skull wearing sunglasses and a top hat is ubiquitous in popular culture, but often misrepresented and misunderstood. Guede et Mô: A Workbook unpacks some of the myths surrounding Papa Guede, the Bawons and the Guede Lwa, describing who these Lwa are and how they are served in Haitian Vodou.
The Silent Listener
The Richel-Eldermans collection is one of the most enigmatic sexual magic collections in the world, and can be found in the Museum of Witchcraft and Magic, Boscastle, United Kingdom. The collection consists mainly of works by J.H.W. Eldermans, a former civil servant who lived in The Hague, The Netherlands.
The Gnome Trilogy 3: The Gnome Compendium
The Gnome Manuscript has enchanted many curious people around the world with its mixture of myth, magick and folklore, all captured in the wonderful drawings and handwriting by J.H.W. Eldermans.
The Gnome Trilogy 2: The Gnome Grimoire
The Gnome Manuscript by J.H.W. Eldermans has been a mystery for many years. The drawings and sketches of pentacles, talismans and amulets, ritual garments and tools and methods of magic, all graced by his graceful handwriting, have been a magnet to students of the occult, but the many texts in Dutch made it difficult to understand these writings.
The Gnome Trilogy 1: The Gnome Manuscript
In 2000, the mysterious Dutch ‘Richel-Eldermans collection’ was donated to The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Boscastle where, in 2003, a Dutch speaking student assisted in deciphering some of the written materials in the collection.
Gallowmen and Mandrakes
We are delighted to present our latest title from Wilmar Taal, Gallowmen and Mandrakes – The Occult life of Bob Laurentius Richel.
Magic Circles in the Grimoire Tradition
Magic Circles have been depicted in popular expressions of magic and witchcraft as well as detailed with full rubrics in traditional manuals of magic such as the Clavicula Solomonis or Liber Juratus.
On Magic & The Occult
Scholars of poetry don’t often follow Yeats out onto the treacherous ground of his esotericism, and yet doing so is one of the main interpretative keys to the Yeatsian worldview.
Spiritus Mundi
In Spiritus Mundi, there is, according to William Butler Yeats, ''a universal memory and a muse of sorts that provides inspiration to the poet or writer.'' To Yeats, Spiritus Mundi is the source of all ''images'' and ''symbols,'' a ''collective unconscious.''