Zoroaster’s Telescope

Ouroboros Press

Zoroaster’s Telescope is a wonderfully strange book of oracle magic. Written in 1796 by André-Robert Andrea de Nerciat, a French author of Libertine genre, the text later appeared in a collection of German folk literature compiled by Johann Scheible from which this English translation was made. The 18th century was an active time for occultism; magicians and fortune tellers of note were spread throughout Europe, often playing significant roles in historical or political events. This was the era of the Count of St. Germain, Cagliostro, Antoine Court de Gebelin, Etteilla, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, Emanuel Swedenborg and Adam Weishaupt whom were known for their visionary and magical prowess or accuracy at divining the future. It is a curious fact that the two genres of eroticism and the occult often overlap as is the case of the author of the present text, but this did not prevent him from giving advice on bodily desires of food and love as well as moralizing on the disadvantages of non-restraint.

Trade Edition

Small octavo, full cloth over boards with gilt title and device. In a letterpress printed dust jacket. Illustrated with woodcuts, tables and a fold-out plate of THE URN.
Limited to 777 copies only

Original price - $45.00

Black Goat Leather Edition

Small octavo, full kid skin over boards with gilt title and device. Hand marbled endsheets and silk bookmark. Illustrated with woodcuts, tables and a fold-out plate of THE URN.
Limited to 72 copies only

Original price - $165.00

Lamp of Knowledge Vellum Edition

Small octavo, full Imperial Vellum over boards with gilt title and device. Hand marbled endsheets and silk bookmark. Illustrated with woodcuts, tables and a fold-out plate of THE URN.
Limited to 28 Copies only $225.00

The Urn Special Vellum Edition

Small octavo, full Imperial Vellum over boards with gilt title and device. Hand marbled endsheets and silk bookmark. Illustrated with woodcuts, tables and a fold-out plate of THE URN.

This edition includes a set of 122 hexagonal and etched wood tiles used in the system laid out in Zoroaster’s Telescope.

Limited to 9 Copies only

Original price - $497.00




Heiroglyphical Key