Welsh Witchcraft
Enter a world of sacred lakes, healing herbs, spectral hounds, and the mighty red dragon. Written by a Welsh practitioner, this inspiring book shares the magical traditions of Wales—including fairies, folklore, and charms—with dozens of hands-on activities. Mhara Starling shows you how you can incorporate Welsh and Celtic folk magic into your modern witchcraft practice with exercises for celebrating those who came before, protecting against adversity, changing the weather, and more. You'll also discover methods for honoring the land and ways to connect with Cerridwen, Rhiannon, and other deities. Welsh Witchcraft invites you to explore this country's rich heritage and use it to empower your spirituality.
ISBN-13: 9780738770918
Imprint: Llewellyn
Pub Date: February 2022
Product Type: Trade Paperback
Page Count: 272 pages
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 x 0.66 IN
Weight: 0.80 lbs
Original Price - £16