Torn Letters of Otherness

Ian C. Edwards PhD, Peter Hamilton-Giles

Atramentous Press

This first volume, borne from ideas that came to light while communicating with each other, looks at the notion of absence and the first word to be spoken: the alogos. Largely in response to the work of Chumbley and Azoetia, the first word is commonly referred to as the announcement of Self: I. And so it is that from absence, form comes into being as we begin find ways to articulate our knowing. Yet, these small volumes also explore distortions that come from using a language which is not fit for the purposes that the practitioner requires. Underwriting this approach is understandably an alternative rationale, which situates practitioners by proposing that they occupy those spaces which lie between designations. As a result of this our collaboration endeavours to address these subtle nuances that accompany the proliferation of distorted forms, in the hope that it may act as a gateway for practitioners to breach their fold.

Standard Edition

313 copies, gold foil block on front, spine and back cover, head and tail bands.

Original Price £36

Deluxe Edition

Deluxe edition strictly limited to 13 copies. Gold foil block onto leather, gold gilt edge to book block.

Original Price £333


Into the Mylar Chamber


Being & Non-Being in Occult Experience Volume 3: Kenneth Grant and the Vulture’s Cry