The Pentacles of Solomon

S. Aldarnay

Hadean Press

Author and illustrator S. Aldarnay presents each of the Pentacles given in the Key of Solomon, precisely redrawn and with explanations of the divine names, the names of spirits, as well as the vesicles in English, Latin and Hebrew, in order to make the individual’s use of the seals more effective.

By presenting the pentacles in full the author hopes that people will be inclined to experiment more with them as the seals are able to bridge the gap between the high magic of angelic conjuration and divine names, and the folk magic which utilizes psalms and spiritual assistance for more day to day concerns.

The Pentacles of Solomon
S. Aldarnay
ISBN 978-1-907881-22-0 (Paperback)
216mm x 140mm
110 Pages.
Published October 2012.


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