The Cauldron - Issue 153

Lughnasadh 2014

The Castle of the Mole King - The Arcane Secrets of Burrow Mump - Arthur Calygate

A Response to Pickingill Article in TC 152 - Prof Ronald Hutton

Wicca ir Wicca - An Etymological Overiew - Ethan Doyle White

Druidic Living Today - Luke Eastwood

Remembering the Essex Witches - Levannah Morgan

Finding Faery Folk in Norfolk - Val Thomas

Paganism & Satanism - Amber Norris

Pan in Fiction - Tania Poole

The Witch of Shepton Mallet - William Wallworth

Dion Fortune & the Arthurian Legends - Gareth Knight

Manannan, Maddinagh - Manxwytch

The Holy Company - Spanish Spectral

Harbingers of Death - Michael Howard

Wendish Paganism - Mihai Dragnea


The Devil’s Ointment (Forthcoming)


The Cauldron - Issue 154