The Book of Flesh and Feather
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The Book of Flesh and Feather

A truly spellbinding work, The Book of Flesh and Feather is the central liturgical and ritual book of a devoted group of initiates of the Great Djehuty.

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Litanies of Thoth
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Litanies of Thoth

The Litanies of Thoth guides the reader deeply into the mysteries of communication with the Great God Djehuty via rites of divination and above all esoteric prayer.

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Liber Nigri Solis
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Liber Nigri Solis

Liber Nigri Solis, edited by Victor Voronov, elaborates the occult, magical and initiatory work of two esoteric orders.

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The Faceless God
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The Faceless God

This book of Left Hand Path theory and practice has been eagerly awaited since the first news about its coming-into-being was announced last year. We are certain that Dr. Vincente’s tome will meet the highest expectations and demands of all serious practitioners of the magical Art.

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The transgressive cultus of the wild, blood-thirsty and demon-slaying Matrikas (“little Mothers”) is amongst the most fascinating but least treated areas of South Asian spirituality and magic.

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The Living stand in awe and fear before the forbidden realms of the Underworld. Yet, for thousands of years, necromancers have practiced the black arts to traffic with legions of the Dead, the demonic spawn of the Chthonic realms and even with the Dark Rulers themselves.

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Son of Prometheus
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Son of Prometheus

With great joy we announce the forthcoming publication of Son of Prometheus by Sasha Chaitow. Based on her PhD thesis this ground-breaking in-depth study of the life and works of French esotericist Joséphin Péladan will precede her trilogy on Péladan’s esoteric work and art to be released by Theion in the coming years.

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IMAGO: Body. Vision. Magick.
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IMAGO: Body. Vision. Magick.

In his groundbreaking work, Robert Allen restores the image to its rightful place at the heart of the Western esoteric tradition. He argues that the careful relation of image, vision and understanding holds the power to opening the portals to a magickal practice which is both initiatory and transformative.

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The Infernal Masque
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The Infernal Masque

The Infernal Masque explores the vital interplay between primordial darkness and infernal fire. It is the dynamic tension between these two elements that creates the sublime frisson within the flesh and soul of the Initiate, immersing them in the ecstatic tempest of daemonic reality.

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The Benighted Path
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The Benighted Path

Twisting beyond the placid boundaries of civilization is an ancient path of nocturnal Gnosis. Its stalkers do not march the linear road of human progress but instead orient their souls to the luminous, haunted darkness of the Night Primeval.

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The Vodou Quantum Leap
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The Vodou Quantum Leap

Ever since a short lived first edition 15 years ago, The Vodou Quantum Leap by Haitian metaphysician Dr. Reginald Crosley has the reputation of being one of the most notorious books on the occult capacities and potentials of esoteric Vodou.

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Of Cosmogonic Eros
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Of Cosmogonic Eros

This monograph is dedicated entirely to an in-depth examination of the mysteries of Eros and the most powerful forms of ecstasy. Here Klages presents a pandaemonic vision of becoming which is inextricably linked to an Eros whose elemental power shatters everyday consciousness and mates the individual to the secrets of the cosmos.

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Theia Philosophia
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Theia Philosophia

Theia Philosophia: A Manual of the Royal Arte by Jason Arthur Green is a Theurgic system of training focused principally on achieving Henosis, the unification with the divine.

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Cthonic Gnosis
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Cthonic Gnosis

This groundbreaking release is the first authoritative work on Ludwig Klages and his pagan metaphysics ever to be published in English. Without a doubt Klages is one of the most intriguing and enigmatic pagan thinkers of the early 20th Century.

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Cave of the Numinous
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Cave of the Numinous

Highly anticipated and the result of over 25 years of initiatic study within authentic Guru lineages, Cave of the Numinous by Craig Williams is one of the very few genuine expositions of the Left Hand Path in general and Left Handed Tantra in particular.

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The Cult of the Black Cube
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The Cult of the Black Cube

Feared, bedeviled and vilified but also venerated, adored and embraced, Saturn and his shadowy powers have strongly influenced the spiritual and magical life of cultures and individuals for millennia.

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