The Key of Necromancy: Volume 2
Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian

The Key of Necromancy: Volume 2

The second volume of the Key of Necromancy continues with the translation of the 18th century German magical texts Nigromantisches Kunst-Buch, Der Schlussel von dem Zwange der Holle and Experimentir Buch whose first part was published in the first tome.

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The Key of Necromancy: Volume 1
Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian

The Key of Necromancy: Volume 1

The Key of Necromancy is a two-volume work that attests to the continuity and changes that underwent the German magical literature through the late 17th to mid-18th century. It stands as an example of the unique techniques and spirit lists that circulated around the Holy Roman Empire that would later consolidate in what today is known as the Faustian Tradition.

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