Daoistic Necromancy
Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian

Daoistic Necromancy

After the highest acclaimed grimoire series NECROMANTEIA I and II, Shawn Frix comes with a very interesting book, revealing the praxis and gnosis, the rituals and mysteries of the Chinese tradition and the cult of Necromancy.

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Necromanteia III
Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian

Necromanteia III

This book is a collection of different necromantic lore and some rituals of necromancy. Rituals mixed into the stories. Some of them are stories of necromancy and ghost. Necromancy is an ancient and fundamental magical practice with many different cultural aspects and modern practices.

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Sabbatica Volume 8
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Sabbatica Volume 8

This anthology grimoire is an in-depth voyage to the roots of death current and necromancy, moving from anthropological to psychological and to the practical side covering diverse elements focusing Necromancy as principal basis. A deep study, Praxis and development of diverse traditions in its most explorative forms. This anthology offers a unique amalgamation of contributors, each offering all of their knowledge within the pages.

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Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian


QLIPHOTH is an anthology focusing as primal elements the explorations of diverse current of Esoterica plateu, moving into an amalgam from Academic to Practical basis of sorcery and magick for an understanding of the traditions and gnosis presented here. A left-Hand Path publication, now developing its XI volume, and offering always exclusive and very interesting articles, Images, and great covers by Hagen Von Tulien.

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