Fever Tree
Appalachia is a distinct bio-region of America with a wealth of unique plant and animal life. This biodiversity is mirrored by an equally rich human tapestry, woven over thousands of years, giving rise to distinct cultural traditions.
Rites Necromantic
Necromancy, the magical art of calling the dead, emerges from many ancient traditions of sorcery. A vile and repugnant magic to the civilised, the dead have been invoked to gain magical power, and to wrest divinatory knowledge from their shadowy realm.
Dark Magic
The writings of the celebrated American author of weird fiction H. P. Lovecraft are known for their groundbreaking innovation, particularly their treatment of ‘the other’ or otherness, incepting a palpable state of alienation in the reader.
Dream Divination Plants
Shamanism, religion and magic have long acknowledged the significance of dreams as a bridge to the spirit world, and over time developed practices for dream incubation.
Underworld Gnosis
The Inferno of Dante Alighieri, written in the early 1300s, contains some of the most vivid imaginings of Hell and its denizens extant in Christian mysticism. Equally, its portrayal of the torture of the eternal soul marks out a visionary religious philosophy of good and evil, the nature of eternity, and divine retribution.