Lioness: The Song of Inanna
Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian

Lioness: The Song of Inanna

The heart of “LIONESS” is a haunting hymn, taking readers through call-and-response invocations in which the hierophant beckons Inanna by her traditional epithets, each adorned with stunning cuneiform depictions in rich scarlet ink.

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The Red Shepherd
Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian

The Red Shepherd

Myth would inform us that Dumuzid was merely the effete, hapless shepherd god who invoked the anger of his wife, Inanna, and became little more than a footnote in myth.

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Rod & Ring
Books Occult Librarian Books Occult Librarian

Rod & Ring

In Mesopotamian art, the rod and ring, like the horned helm or crown, are indicators of the depicted being’s divine status. The most famous depiction being that of Shamash, the solar god of justice holding both divine symbols of power before Hammurabi the king on the Code of Hammurabi stele.

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