The Luminous Stone
The Arcanum of the ‘fallen angel’ Lucifer evokes such concepts as heresy, rebellion, pride, liberation from the bonds of demiurgic oppression, and impetus for human evolution.
A Rose Veiled in Black
The Lady Babalon is one of the more enigmatic figures in the Cult of Thelema. She is a manifold deity in the sense that She is a divine harlot, an initiatrix, a creator and a destroyer.
Abraxas: Volume 2
Following the enormous success of the first issue, we are delighted to announce Abraxas No.2 is now available. Substantially larger than the first issue, Abraxas No.2 offers over 200 pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art.
Sharp Practice
Ritual daggers have long been vital accoutrements in the exercise of magic, sorcery and shamanic practice. As a means of subduing demonic forces, their essence is derived from their power to penetrate and transfix.
Arcanum Bestiarum
Written in the great tradition of the medieval bestiaries, Robert Fitzgerald's long-awaited new work Arcanum Bestiarum re-imagines the animal menagerie in the context of bestial mystery and atavistic power.
A Gathering of Masks
Aleister Crowley's obscure Liber 231 remains one of his most enigmatic received magical texts, and one whose genesis directly concerns the workings of astral magic and trance-mediumship.
Lexicon Lamiarum (Forthcoming)
The Lexicon of Witchcraft is an illustrated compendium of witchcraft terminology, encompassing rituals, symbols, spirits, objects, and other specialized concepts of witchcraft.
Via Tortuosa
Crooked Path Sorcery is at once a magical philosophy impelling and arising from the magical historical witchcraft, as well as a set of practices deriving from the work of the Column, an inner cell of the magical order Cultus Sabbati.
The Psalter of Cain
The Psalter of Cain consists of a series of devotional magical works to Cain, holy ancestor of sorcerers. Its magical foci are dedicated specifically to the Ancestral Manes of the Sabbatic Current, the shade-mothers and fathers of the Companie of the Wise.