The Power of the Healing Field
Drawing on esoteric tradition as well as scientific research, such as Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic field studies, the author maps out the human energy field in all its subtleties, providing diagrams of the human energy body, the spectrum of states of awareness, the multilayered fields of consciousness, and the psychoenergetic dynamics of the transformation process.
Ritual & Epiphany in the Mysteries of Mithras
Ritual & Epiphany in the Mysteries of Mithras takes readers deep into the heart of the Mithraic mysteries, offering a profound exploration of the cult’s ritual practices and transformative visionary experiences.
Hagia Sophia / Sanctum of Kronos
Hagia Sophia / Sanctum of Kronos: Spiritual Dissent in an Age of Tyranny is a study of the esoteric doctrines and spiritual traditions encoded within the Hagia Sophia, as manifested in its structural and decorative design.
The Dionysian themed frescos of Pompeii’s Villa of the Mysteries constitute the single most important theurgical narrative to have survived in the Western esoteric tradition. No other practitioner account of the ritual process for conducting a mystery rite has survived down to today.
The Game of Saturn
The Game of Saturn is the first full length, scholarly study of the enigmatic Renaissance masterwork known as the Sola-Busca tarot. It reveals the existence of a pagan liturgical and ritual tradition active amongst members of the Renaissance elite and encoded within the deck.
Two Esoteric Tarot
Two Esoteric Tarots is the record of a fascinating conversation between Peter Mark Adams and Christophe Poncet, convened and with a foreword by César Pedreros. They compare their journeys of discovery into two wildly contrasting tarot decks, the dark ritual landscape of the elite Sola-Busca tarocchi, as revealed in The Game of Saturn, and the luminous and popular Tarot de Marseille, the subject of the forthcoming Tarot of Marsilio.