The Fenris Wolf: Issue 11
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 11

Christianity’s influence in medieval Pagan Iceland, hypno-mimesis and working with body, the esoteric methods of Ithell Colquhoun, poetry as magic, the aesthetics and methods of Austin Osman Spare, automatic drawing, Joseph Ennemoser, Ezra Pound’s occultism, the crusade against magical thinking, the roots of modern Satanism, and the relationship between Ezra Pound and his publisher James Laughlin.

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The Fenris Wolf: Issue 8
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 8

Greek mysteries, psychedelic art, New Orleans Voodoo, Kabbalah in contemporary culture, Ritual & Analytical spaces, religious Scientism, death/exit horoscopes, new poetry and much more… A smorgasbord of occulture & delightenment!

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The Fenris Wolf: Issue 7
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

The Fenris Wolf: Issue 7

Thelema, Satanism, Symbolism, psychoanalysis, Dada, apocalyptic witchcraft, psychedelic philosophy, visionary book covers, Cannabis, artificial human companions, sacred prostitution, German Expressionist cinema, slam poetry, independent universities, extraterrestrial influences, astrology, sexual magic, science fiction and more…

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