Land of the Goat
The Pyrenees Mountains of Spain, France, and Andorra are the birthplace of the primordial witch known as the bruxa. This unique supernatural figure could communicate with spirits, cast spells, control weather, and serve as the Devil's consort. It was here, in the dark, rugged alpine landscapes of the Pyrenees, that the first secular laws against witchcraft were passed in 1424. Drawing on legal records, local history, and folklore, the Land of the Goat explores the Pyrenean witch, its magic, and evolution over time.
Fiddler’s Green: Volume 2 Number 4 - Idyl Hearts
Our eighth issue, also known as “Idyl Hearts,” published November 2021. Fiddler’s Green 8 features copper titling, a cover drawn by Sigurd Persson, and 56 pages of art and magic.
Lexicon Lamiarum (Forthcoming)
The Lexicon of Witchcraft is an illustrated compendium of witchcraft terminology, encompassing rituals, symbols, spirits, objects, and other specialized concepts of witchcraft.