The Nearly Perfect Necromancy of Lady Mondegreen
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

The Nearly Perfect Necromancy of Lady Mondegreen

Although the tragic love between Lady Mondegreen and the Earl Amurray existed nowhere in the pages of history or literature, it couldn’t have been more real in the mind of the young girl who dreamed the lovers into being after mishearing a verse of classic poetry. She let her imagination fill in the blanks to create a new reality, inhabiting it heart and soul.

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Nine Defenses Against the Basilisk
Periodicals Occult Librarian Periodicals Occult Librarian

Nine Defenses Against the Basilisk

In antiquity the wild places of the world were menaced by the dreaded “king of all reptiles,” the basilisk, a creature so vile that it could turn brave heroes to stone with a mere look. Today we face the basilisk every time we are gripped with anxiety so strong it stops us in our tracks.

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