Queen of the Seven Crossroads

Humberto Maggi

Hadean Press

In Queen of the Seven Crossroads, history and myth come together to create and continuously develop the definitions and the interpretations about who or what the Queens of Quimbanda are.

The aim of this treatise is to provide a conceptual background for a better comprehension of the identity and role of the Queen of the Seven Crossroads which will enable the devotee to develop a consistent practice of work and communion with this elevated spirit. Humberto Maggi surveys the historical developments that influenced the creation of the concept of the Queen of the Seven Crossroads in the Brazilian magico-religious system Quimbanda that emerged in the first half of the 20th century, as well as the ideas and techniques inherited both from Europe and Africa. He looks at how various myths, historical figures, and misunderstandings combined to create one of the most powerful pombagiras – what elements shaped her, what and who inspired her legend, and how to work with her in your own practice.

The hardcover edition is printed on 120 gsm offset litho, section sewn with Wibalin Maroon endpapers and covered in Skivertex Malaga cloth with gold foil blocking on the front and spine. 500 copies strict.

Queen of the Seven Crossroads
Humberto Maggi.
ISBN 978-1-907881-87-9 (Hardback) - see below for details
210mm x 297mm
ISBN 978-1-907881-88-6 (Paperback)
210mm x 148mm
146 pages
Published in August 2020.


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