Concerning Witches and Apparitions

Joseph Glanville

Holythorn Press

Joseph Glanvill's Saducismus Triumphatus updated and revised. One of the most important texts concerning witchcraft and the paranormal in 17th century Europe. Ghosts, hauntings, witches, enchanted objects, poltergeist phenomena are featured. Witch trials from Somerset, Scotland, Ireland, and Sweden are described in detail using contemporary accounts from witnesses and the accused.

Paranormal activity, including the famous Drummer of Tedworth are also described in vivid, almost journalistic, language. There are ghosts, poltergeists, murder victims seeking post-mortem justice, a “knocking” banshee foretelling death, and a demonic stalker among others. There is a lengthy Introduction, which explains the historical and philosophical background to Saducismus, including the important role played by Cambridge Platonist Henry More, and the circle around Lady Ann Conway.

Hardback edition

We have kept the frontispiece from the original and have included it as an illustration.

Limited edition of 200 copies only, with a hand-numbered limitation page.

Hardback, cloth-covered, gold foil decorated.

305 pp. on heavy cream Munken paper.

Custom bookmark on cream card.


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