The Cauldron - Issue 156

Beltane 2015

Return to Snowshill Manor and the Magical Collection of Charles Paget Wade - (Mark Hewitt)

Saints, Druids and Pagans - (Michael Howard)

French Megalithic Folklore - (Patou Soult)

Heart’s Desire - Robert Cochrane and ‘The Basic Structure of the Craft’ Document - (Ian Chambers)

Witchcraft in Devonshire - (Tracey Bovey)

Progadior - Disciple of Aleister Crowley - (Gary Nottingham)

The Thirteen Treasures of Ancient Britain - (Anne Walker)

Thought Forms in Magical Work - (Josephine McCarthy)

Maddalena Talluti - Witch of Old Italy and Charles Godfrey Leland - (Raven Grimassi)

The Gatekeeper and the Spirits of the Crossroads - (Mike Slater)

Women in Print - Female Writers on Witchcraft - (Peter Hewitt and Joyce Froome)

Satanic Ritual Abuse in leafy London Suburb?

Lost Jungle City of the Monkey God

Barbarian Destruction of Ancient Sites of Civilisation

Stone Head of Iron Age Goddess Found

New Pagan Temple in Iceland

Northern Irish Anti-Witchcraft


The Cauldron - Issue 155


And the Whale