Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal

José Gabriel Alegría Sabogal was Born in Berlin, and currently lives and works in Lima, Perú. He studied painting at PUCP (Pontifical Catholic University of Perú) and the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Currently, José is completing his Masters in the History of Art at PUCP. 

His visual work makes use of the line technique found in renaissance copper plate engraving but applied to drawings. Both the themes and their treatment José explores are essentially anachronistic and follow the initiative of developing a symbolic language that aspires to a timeless nature.

José has also developed the visual concept for several musical albums by bands from America and Europe, amongst them Whoredom Rife (Norway) and Inferno (Czech Republic).

His works have been published by Aeon Sophia Press (Netherlands), Anathema Publishing Ltd. (Canada), and Mount Abraxas (Romania). 

He is know for publications such as Handbook of Sacred Anatomy (Aeon Sophia Press, 2014), Cover Design & Illustrations within PILLARS: Perichoresis [Anthology] (Anathema Publishing Ltd. 2016), Cover design and illustrations for Abyssinia, by Damian Murphy (Mount Abraxas 2017), A Second Nature (Aeon Sophia Press, 2017), All illustrations for (h)Aurorae, by Gabriel McCaughry (Anathema Publishing Ltd. 2018), as well as IAO: Ophite Iconography (Anathema Publishing Ltd. 2022).



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