Harper Feist

Harper Feist has been interested in the intersection of magick, medicine and science for most of her life. She has a history in feri/faeri workings and facilitating large Reclaiming rituals. She is interested in the scrying role of ceremonial magick, having taking part in many workings involving both chthonic and celestial spirits. More recently, she’s become a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis and is an ordained priestess and the Master of her local body, Leaping Laughter Oasis, in Minneapolis MN, USA. She is also an active interviewer for the O.T.O. U.S. Grand Lodge’s official podcast, “Thelema Now,” and spoke on the topic of scrying at the last national meeting (NOTOCON 2017). She also presented a talk at her local body about the origins of the Picatrix. In her mundane life, Harper is a Ph.D. scientist, mother and a martial artist specializing in koryu Japanese sword work.



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