Corinne Boyer
Corinne Boyer is a folk herbalist, teacher, and writer with a passion for traditions surrounding plants and folk magic. She has been studying and working with plants since 1998. Corinne has taught community herb classes since 2005 and teaches weekly classes out of her home with a focus on wild crafting, medicine making, plant lore, folk medicine and traditional magic. She has been published in various journals with articles about plant lore and history. She created a free quarterly herbal newsletter called The Gathering Basket, which was distributed to her local community from 2012-2017. Her books include Under the Witching Tree published by Troy Books and Plants of the Devil published by Three Hands Press. Under the Bramble Arch is near completion and will be released by Troy Books in early 2019. She lives with her family in the forests of the Pacific Northwest.
Visit Corinne’s website for more information at
The Owl’s Eye is a collection of one hundred and forty two charms, spells and procedures that have been taken out of historic fortune telling books.
In the historical records of European Witchcraft, one of the most notorious allegations against the accused was the use of a magical salve to gain the power of nocturnal flight.
This long-awaited book brings twenty plants from the Witches’ Garden into the light, along with their accumulated folklore, folk medicine and historical magical uses, particularly from the past three hundred years out of North Western Europe, though some information is much older.
The Lexicon of Witchcraft is an illustrated compendium of witchcraft terminology, encompassing rituals, symbols, spirits, objects, and other specialized concepts of witchcraft.
The historical record of plant folklore includes a persistent group of plants associated with witches, aversion and baneful magic. Reflecting a hidden dimension of the vegetal world, these spells, rituals, and taboos serve as mantles of ominous attribute, warning of these herbs' sinister qualities, but also suggestive of their hidden powers.
Shamanism, religion and magic have long acknowledged the significance of dreams as a bridge to the spirit world, and over time developed practices for dream incubation.
Plants of the Devil examines the history and magic of herbs associated with Satan and his minions, delving into the folklore of ancient Europe and the British Isles.
Under the Witching Tree; is the first offering in a trilogy of books by Corinne Boyer a folk-herbalist known for her work exploring both the traditional medicinal and magical applications of plants and trees which, as Corinne explains in her video introducing the trilogy, are often revealed through their accumulated folklore.
Under the Bramble Arch is the second offering in a trilogy of books by Corinne Boyer following on from Under the Witching Tree, Corinne is a folk-herbalist known for her work exploring both the traditional and personal medicinal and magical applications of plants and trees which, as Corinne explains in her video introducing the trilogy, are often revealed through their accumulated folklore.
The Green Key is the central arcanum of Clavis Volume 4, contemplating the intersection of the plant world with the occult arts, and is 112 pages.