Mark Nemglan

Mark is an author, poet, publisher, researcher and esotericist. Through Nemglan Press, and a variety of pseudonyms, he has published works of poetry, a study of the Old Norse seiðrmaðr in relation to the cult of Yngvi-freyr, and the acclaimed and much sought-after work of occult fiction Shalat.

His current interests are concerned with the interpretation of, and engagement with, so-called ritual landscapes by means well beyond the purview of orthodox scientific disciplines. This is based on the not unreasonable position that, in order to fully understand landscapes deemed sacred or numinous by cultures where interaction with the otherworld was a preeminent concern, congress with its still-present genii locorum, deities and ancestors is absolutely necessary. By marshalling a variety of magickal technologies, interpolated with historical, mythographic, folkloric and archaeological insights, the land is transfigured in the eye of the beholder into something beyond the material, becoming a nexus of the symbolic, imaginal and sorcerous, and yielding a form of geognosis.

