Gabriel McCaughry

Gabriel McCaughry is the Hermit and the Fool behind Anathema Publishing.

More specifically, as the founder, main editor, and contributing writer to Anathema's yearly occult periodical PILLARS, Gabriel has fully overseen the creation and publishing of several well-respected esoteric titles including Shani Oates' The Devil's Supper, The Hanged God, etc., and P.T. Mistlberger's The Dancing Sorcerer, Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal’s IAO: Ophite Iconography (among others). In addition to his work with Anathema, Gabriel's writing and illustrations have been featured in other works including: Ixaxaar’s Clavicula Nox, Aeon Sophia Press' The Thirteenth Path, Patrick J. Larabee’s Whisperings from the Void, Trapart's The Mega Golem, and Yoann Lossel's Forgotten Gods.

A pilgrim in the Mystery Tradition, Gabriel is deeply fascinated with all subjects relating to Alchemy, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Theological Exegeses, Non-Dualism, View and systems of Esoteric Buddhism, and the Nameless Arte of Traditional Craft. His personal approach and devotional practice stem from a profound love for, and communion with, The Omni-Cipher's ownmost radiance and myriad manifestations; infinite wonderments of the Pleroma.

His first book, (h)Auroræ, is somewhat of an invitation for the attentive reader to explore, ponder, and puzzle over; it offers the fundamental keys and processes of Alchemical Self-Transmutation – still all too relevant today as a tool for developing mental individuation and spiritual apotheosis. Stylistically, Gabriel usually prefers to work by poetic inference rather than forthright assertion.

Within (h)Auroræ, the Great Work seeks to describe mystical observations that are beyond mundane rationale, and certainly beyond the scope of common language and thought-patterns. However, since the Hólon is the Ineffable, absolutely indescribable, the text can only try to suggest nuances to the esoteric dialogue of the devoted pilgrim treading the Perennial Path of Return.

There is an interplay of polysemic thoughts and counter-intuitive terminologies explored in Gabriel’s writing, which shines brightest in the questions it raises, rather than the answers the mind tries to grasp (or wishes to impose upon the reader). (h)Auroræ is thus a vehicle meant to inspire, to help embrace the many alchemical nodes of transformation, and to calcine the whole experience into the reader’s very own crucible.



  • Autumnal Equinox 2012




    -The Temple of LUh-hUR [A Voyage Through the Event-Horizon]

    7.62 X 9.75 inches. 120 pp. Silver and black foil stamped on Deluxe heavy art cover. Perfect Binding. Fine typography & numerous illustrations.

    * Comes with a blood-stamped Art Print featuring artwork by Xonia Abyssos of Teufelskunst.

    "Light the Pyre" by LIM: Initially released as a limited hand-made (30 copies only) "Contributor's Edition" MCD, this special track is now available to download for free.

    Keynote Contributors

    Jeremy Christner, G. McCaughry, Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule, Hagen Von Tulien, Ash Nostro Morg.

  • Autumnal Equinox 2013


    -Hymn to Tannyin

    7.62 X 9.75 inches. 144 pp. Gold and black foil stamped on Deluxe heavy art cover. Perfect Binding. 16 colour plates. Fine typography & numerous illustrations.

    * Comes with a custom bookmark featuring artwork from Patrick J. Larabee.

    All copies ritually consecrated, hand-numbered, and fumigated with a specially devised Incense Blend made by Xonia Abyssos of Teufelskunst.

    Limited to 250 copies

    "Mosaïque" by LIM & Andrieh Vitimus: Specially made track for this specific issue of PILLARS, you can now download for free.

    Keynote Contributors

    Robin-the-Dart, Glyn Smith, Mitchell Nolte, Vænus Obscvra, Léon Ka, Ash Nostro Morg, Matthew Wightman, Patrick J. Larabee.

  • Winter Solstice 2014


    -Limerence & Reddening


    7.62 X 9.75 inches. 150 pp. Bronze and black foil”

    7.62 X 9.75 inches. 150 pp. Bronze and black foil”

    7.62 X 9.75 inches. 150 pp. Bronze and black foil, stamped on Deluxe heavy art cover. Perfect Binding. 37 colour plates. Fine typography & numerous illustrations.

    * Comes with a Z-fold booklet featuring the art of Isabelle Gaborit and a poem by G. McCaughry.

    "0O0 [Ophidian Equilibrium]" by LIM: Specially made track for this specific issue of PILLARS, you can now download for free.

    Whereas PILLARS issue #1: 'Psychopompos' was a piercing chaotic eruption; exploring the Mystery Traditions & Arte from all sides and approach, and number 2 continued in that direction, but is more concise, dense in context and heavy with written material, the third entry of the series, 'The Ebon Kteis,' is a journey back into Darkness; more sombre in tone than its siblings and aiming to be more of a visual feast to inspire Minds & spark the Sacred Flame Within.

    Keynote Contributors

    Shani Oates, FN Vegas, Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold, Kris Kuksi, Yoann Lossel, Samuel Araya, Abby Helasdottir, Natalia Drepina, Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal.

  • -Prefatory: A Merry-Go ‘Round Fate & Dearth

    7.5 x 9.5 inches. 368 pages. Gold Foil-stamp on cover and spine, Blind Deboss on Matador Pescara Black leather (Spanish finish). Antique #80 Eclipse endpaper. Sewn & Glued binding. Printed on 160m Enviro paper. Numerous color plates. Fine typography, and elegantly illustrated throughout. + All copies are hand-numbered and glyphed.

    Limited to 393 copies

    "Fate & Dearth" by LIM: Specially made track for this specific issue of PILLARS, you can now download for free.

    PILLARS: Perichoresis is the Anthological Edition of the inceptive trilogy of PILLARS occult periodical journal. Containing Issue.1 Psychopompos, Issue.2 The Golden Eitr, and Issue.3 The Ebon Kteis.

    Curated, assembled, and edited by G. McCaughry and compiled under various over-arching themes, that, however seemingly cryptic at times, do share common threads in passion & devotion for the Mystery Arte

    Keynote Contributors

    Humberto Maggi, Asenath Mason, Ash Nostro Morg, Patrick J. Larabee, Yoann Lossel, Kris Kuksi, Mitchell Nolte, Shani Oates, Samuel Araya, and many others…

  • -Prefatory: Wyrd-Wise, Annealing Anew

    -Peace Be Unto the Mega Golem

  • -Prefatory: Facing the Inner, for the Outer to Manifest

  • -Prefatory: Lightning Flashes in the Glass Retort


    6.5 x 9.5 inches. 264 pages. Hardbound 90pts, Fine 'Canapetta' Italian bookcloth, matte brown foil stamp designs on rounded spine and on the cover; blind deboss on the cover and on the back cover; full colour interior, and 'Maroon' ‘Handspun texture finish’ endpapers. Dark Brown Headbands. Cover illustration by artist Ross Fleming (Hens Tongue). Fine typography; illustrated thoroughly by various artists; printed on Cougar Natural 160M archive-quality paper. Hand-numbered individually.

    Limited to 700 copies

    Come rest by the hearth’s fire and warm yourself, now that your travels are at an end.

    The night is long, and we are in no hurry. This is a time for reflection, to think back on where you have been – and where it has led you to.

    Whether you have crossed oceans or deserts, wound your way through labyrinthine cities or long-forgotten ghost towns, followed untrodden paths or the pilgrim’s well-worn way – you are no longer the same, and you have wisdom to share.

    This is the Wayfarer’s Hearth: a gathering of voices and a recollection of transformative spiritual journeys.


    Aaron Cheak (PhD), Aleco Julius, Brian Cotnoir, Carl Abrahamsson, Carl Austin Hyatt, Darragh Mason, Dr. Dearthrice DeWitt, Evan Davies, Gabriel McCaughry, Gloria D.N.E., Gavin Fox, Humberto Maggi, Ian C. Edwards (PhD), Johnny Decker Miller, Johana Reuter, Jennifer Chiasson, Jack Grayle, Kazim, Kim Schwenk, Matthew Olmsted, Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule, Philipp Müller, Rosemary Stehlik, Ross Fleming, Shani Oates, Suzanne Read, Tasha Menary, Viktoria Polikarpova.

  • LILITH: An Imperative Truth.

    Finland: Ixaxaar, 2009.

  • The Vortices of Fore-Thinking.

    Online: Horus Maat Lodge, 2009.

  • Foreword contribution

    Netherlands: Aeon Sophia Press, 2013.

  • -The Apex Seeking its Axis

    Netherlands: Aeon Sophia Press, 2019.

  • -FATAE

  • -In Unity, Betrayed

    UK: Coire Ansic, 2023.

  • -Blessed Anathema

    (Excerpt of CODEX V’s alchemical poem within (h)Auroræ). UK: Wild Alchemy Lab, 2023.

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